Having a criminal charge on your record can pose challenges when trying to find employment, rent a place to live, pursue higher education, legally operate a vehicle, travel, own firearms, among other things. Fortunately, Indiana has enacted an expungement statute that acts to seal or expunge dismissed cases, misdemeanors after five years, and certain felonies after eight years.
The laws have specific requirements, and a petitioner may be penalized for failing to follow the exact protocol required by the statute. We can help to determine your eligibility and help you file to have your case(s) sealed/expunged.
Higdon Law can assess eligibility for such and assist with the process.
Start the Process of Clearing Your Name
Specialized Driving Privileges
If you find yourself suspended or facing a BMV suspension, you may be eligible for “Specialized Driving Privileges,” which allows you to drive for necessary purposes. You must apply for them in the county where the associated criminal charge is pending or in your county of residence if there is no criminal charge associated with the suspension.
Wills, Living Wills, & Power of Attorney
If you or a loved one needs a will, a living will (refers to end-of-life decisions) or a power of attorney (allows someone else to make decisions for another person if they are unable), we can assist. Higdon Law highly recommends having these documents in order, as life is uncertain.
Protection Orders
We can help you present your side of a situation to the Court if you find yourself facing a protection order that you feel has been filed unfairly against you.
Restoration of Firearms Rights
As with expungements, after time and under certain circumstances, it may be possible to restore one’s right to possess and purchase firearms. We can help assess your situation to determine if you are eligible for such and map out the best way, through Indiana and Federal laws, to achieve that results
Testimonial Spotlight
To discuss any of these issues reach out to us at 812-961-8333.
Physical Address:
612 West Kirkwood Ave, Bloomington IN, 47404
Mailing Address:
PO Box 807
Clear Creek, IN 47426
Business Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: 812-961-8333
Email: mhigdon@higdonlaw.com